
Cell and Gene Therapy Series. Part 1 - Converting a Rolls-Royce into a Ford? | 3P Innovation

Written by Dr. Dave Seaward | Jan 20, 2022 7:18:00 AM

PDF File: Cell and Gene Therapy: Converting a Rolls-Royce into a Ford?

With promising applications in the personalised medicines field, Cell and Gene Therapies are becoming more and more relevant. This, alongside 3Ps experience in the manufacturing of said therapies, has inspired 3P Founder and Projects Director Dave Seaward, to write a new blog series all about ATMPs!

Click the pdf link above and take a read of the first blog in the series.

This first blog focuses around the manufacture of cell and gene therapies with an interesting analogy to the automotive industry. It also looks at how 3P innovation can help with the manufacture of these life-changing ATMPs.